Should you work as an agent from home? We discuss the pros and cons.

“To work from home or not to work from home?” That’s today’s question. We’re going to discuss the pros and cons of each option.

A significant portion of a real estate agent’s work can be easily done from home, such as preparing for showings, scheduling, prospecting, and printing flyers. It’s even more convenient for meal preparation, and there’s no commute. However, on the flip side, it can be challenging to separate your work life from your home life, and this constant battle for time can be a source of stress. Working from home also requires a great deal of discipline.

“You can learn a lot from your coworkers in person. ”

Furthermore, there’s the aspect of connection, not only with other people but also with fellow real estate professionals facing similar challenges. Like-minded professionals can provide valuable motivation. Additionally, working at the office offers opportunities for additional training and real-time mentorship when encountering problems or needing quick answers or assistance.

Perhaps a balance between the two options is key in this situation. For instance, if you don’t have many deals in your pipeline, you may choose to work at the office until you build up your pipeline. On the other hand, if you’re already busy with multiple deals, a balance could involve going to the office for dedicated prospecting or training time, while the rest of the day is spent working remotely.

These are just a few of the pros and cons of working from home versus working at the office. Call or email us if you have any questions about this topic. We look forward to hearing from you.