Here’s how you can bounce back after making a mistake with a client.


The truth about real estate is that things don’t always go smoothly. What happens when you make a mistake and damage trust with your client? Here are three things you can do to recover that relationship:

1. Always agree. Do not try to be combative with your customer. Take ownership by agreeing and understanding, and let them do the talking first.

2. Confront the elephant in the room. Be very direct. If you messed up, say so and apologize. Empathize and let them know you want to make things right.

3. Overcommunicate. Tell them how you’re going to fix the problem, then go back and tell them what you did to fix it once it’s corrected. Communicate by phone, email, and text, and go out of your way to make things right and rebuild that trust.

Who knows? You might turn your mistake into a win with these three helpful tips. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out via phone or email. We look forward to hearing from you.